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Martinez, Mary - Classic Murder: Mr. Romance (BookStrand Publishing Romance) Page 3

  Back at his desk, he looked over the reports for the meeting the following morning. Hard as he tried to stop them, his thoughts kept returning to his list. With a sigh, something he realized he’d done a lot of today, he reached in, took the list back out of the drawer, and looked at it. From now on, he would look for the qualities he wanted in all the women he dated. Now that he’d decided he wanted to settle down, he couldn’t wait to get started on the search.

  He remembered a woman he had met at a charity dinner, Nan Thomas. She worked with authorities to reunite parents and children that had been separated during disasters. She had founded Orphan Find International single-handedly. She and Adam had a lot in common.

  He already had a feeling that the spoiled former Miss America he’d be taking to Napa wouldn’t come close to fitting his list. Ms. Thomas, though, may just have what he wanted. He’d already asked her out and just hadn’t firmed up their plans. He’d have the list with him and if she fit all of his priorities, he’d take her out on a second date and see where it led.

  * * * *

  Before Mrs. Oakman could reply to Katie’s agreement about Adam’s weekend date, a disembodied voice came over the intercom, making both women jump. “Katie Did, would you do me a favor?”

  “Sure, Mr. Russo. What do you need?”

  “Could you find out all you can about Nan Thomas? She’s the founder of Orphan Find International,” Adam asked.

  “When do you need it?”

  “By the time I get back from Napa would be fine.” The connection was broken.

  Katie looked at Mrs. Oakman. The woman voiced an opinion that matched Katie’s. “Looks like Ms. Thomas is next in line for the great Mr. Romance.”

  “Yes, it does. Well, you have a nice day, Mrs. Oakman. I need to get back to work.”

  “Okay, dear. I’ll see you tomorrow,” the woman said and left Katie’s small office.

  Katie pulled up Google on her computer, preparing to search out information on the woman for the great Mr. Romance. What she found confirmed what she had thought. The woman was beautiful, intelligent, and wealthy.

  Maybe this would be the woman to settle Adam down. They had a lot in common. The thought made Katie’s stomach do a flip-flop. Deep down she’d always hoped, against the odds, that she would be that woman. Katie, you know what you need to do—be yourself. If he doesn’t want you for you, then he’s not the man for you anyway. Good advice—now all she had to do was follow it. Ditch the glasses, dowdy persona, and be Katie.

  * * * *

  After asking Katie to do the research on Ms. Thomas, Adam decided to call his mom with the news. He reached into his desk and pulled out the pad of paper with the list. She would be delighted he was ready to settle down. In fact, his parents’ relationship had finally caused him to consider that maybe the variety he had always wanted wasn’t really all it was cracked up to be.

  His father didn’t have a romantic bone in his body, but he did love his mom. They had the same hobbies. They could talk for hours about gardening, a subject that Adam found extremely boring. He had usually retreated to his room to watch a movie when he had been younger. He knew his mother satisfied her romantic streak vicariously through his adventures since she had to have all the details. He kept any private things to himself, obviously. His mother probably thought he was a thirty-five-year-old virgin.

  Then a thought struck. His parents’ fortieth anniversary was at the end of the month. He’d send them on their own romantic getaway. His dad would grumble about it, but he’d go because he loved his wife so much he knew she would want to go.

  Instead of using the intercom, he yelled. “Katie Did, come here a moment.”

  Before he could take a breath, Katie came running in as if he’d yelled “Fire” instead of her name.

  “What’s wrong?” she said, looking around the office as if there really were a fire.

  “Nothing. I just had the most incredible idea for my parents’ anniversary.”

  Katie didn’t say anything at first, just stood staring at him incredulously. She placed her small hand over her heaving chest. “Do you realize you just scared the hell out of me, Mr. Russo?”

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to. But I need your help. I know I just asked you to do something else, but that can wait.”

  “Okay, what can I do?” Katie audibly sighed. “I thought it was an emergency. I’m afraid I didn’t think to bring a pad or anything to write with.”

  Katie leaned over to pick up the pad lying on his desk. Adam reached across and snatched it from her hand before she could see what was on it. Katie jumped in surprise and stared at him.

  Adam handed her a different pad. “Here’s a pad you can use. I have a list of things to talk about at the meeting tomorrow on this one,” he said as he hastily dropped the tablet in the drawer. Katie raised a brow and took the new pad from him. He raked a hand through his hair and turned to look out the window for a moment.


  “Oh, well, yes.” Adam couldn’t believe he was flustered. He swung back to face her.

  He’d been with some of the most incredible women in the country, yet across from him sat his assistant. One of the plainest women he’d ever met, or so he thought before he held her in his arms and looked into her unframed eyes. Now he was babbling like a schoolboy. What is wrong with you, Russo?

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yes, I’m sorry. I’m just a little distracted. I can’t figure out why I’ve never thought of this before.”


  “I’m going to plan a surprise getaway for my parents’ fortieth anniversary. My mother loves to hear all about my adventures. My dad would never think to take her somewhere himself. But they’re crazy about each other, and they both deserve a vacation.” God, he was babbling again. Taking a deep breath, he continued, “Anyway, I need your help trying to decide where to send them. Someplace they would both enjoy. Mom’s not a problem. She’d be thrilled going to a different city. It’s Dad who will be the problem. He’s never had any desire to travel. Do you have any suggestions?”

  “Well, what do they like to do?” Katie didn’t seem surprised at his babbling, for which he was thankful.

  Adam watched as Katie’s face lit in delight. Katie had told him, after the first time he’d insisted she travel to visit his parents, how wonderful she found them. Adam could tell by the twinkle in her eye she approved of his idea for a trip.

  “I know they both like to garden.”

  “Well, the first thing that comes to mind is Butchart Gardens on Vancouver Island. Or there are several botanical gardens around. I can think of two wonderful ones in Kauai. I’ve never been, but I’ve heard they are beautiful,” Katie said after a moment of thought.

  “That’s a good idea. Would you mind doing a little research and see what you can turn up? I’d like to send them somewhere sunny and warm for at least a week. The gardens sound just the ticket. However, it rains a lot on Kauai.”

  “It does, but if they stay on the south end, it’s usually sunny there. They could make a day trip to Princeville, the rainier part of the island,” Katie reasoned.

  “That’s true. Check out both gardens. And also the Butchart ones, and any others you can find. My dad loves cars, and my mom loves to collect dolls. If you can come up with something that would include all of that, you’d have my undying gratitude.”

  “I’ll do my best. If their anniversary is at the end of the month, I better get going.” And as always, Katie rushed out of his office.

  * * * *

  Leaning against the closed door of Adam’s office, Katie hugged the pad of paper to her chest and sighed. He wanted to plan a dream vacation for his parents. “God, could the man be more perfect?” she whispered aloud to her empty office.

  Chapter Three

  Katie looked up when Adam stomped through her office the next morning, not even bothering to call out his usual greeting. Frowning, she picked up what she had been working on and followe
d him to his office. At the door, which he had left open, she knocked lightly on the frame.

  “May I come in?”

  “Sure. Although I must warn you, I’m not in a very good mood. It doesn’t bode well for our meeting with the investment guys.” His fingers tangled through his hair, making it look even more unruly than usual. Katie wanted to run her own through the dark strands. Realizing she stared at his hands, she reined her thoughts back under control.

  “What happened?”

  “What hasn’t happened this morning?” Adam continued to rustle through his desk, without glancing in her direction.

  “What are you looking for?”

  “My damn apartment spare key. First, I forgot to set my alarm clock, so I was late getting up. When I was ready to come to the office, I get out to my car and it has a flat. So I go back to call the service, and I had locked myself out. And, I left the file for the meeting on the credenza by the door.”

  “I’m sorry,” Katie consoled, trying not to laugh.

  Adam, apparently hearing the quiver in her voice, looked up at her and scowled, “You may think this is funny, but it won’t look very good when I walk in there unprepared.”

  “Don’t worry, I have a copy of the file. I’ll go get it.” Katie started to turn, then remembered the file she had in her hand. “Oh, I’ve been working on your parents’ trip. Here’s their itinerary.” She handed it to him and turned to go retrieve the information for their meeting with the investment company.

  She was still trying not to chuckle as she looked through her desk. It was nice to know he was human enough to make mistakes. He always seemed so perfect. She finally let out a little laugh when she pictured his disgruntled look when he tried his door and found out he’d locked himself out.

  “Hey, I can hear you laughing out there. It’s not good for my ego.” Adam’s rich voice floated from the other room. She could tell from the tone he’d already put the incident behind him. No doubt because she had a copy of the file. Well, that was what her job was, to assist him.

  Finally finding what she looked for, she returned to his office. He had his head bent, absorbed in the information on his parents’ trip to Kauai. He looked up and smiled. Katie thought her heart actually turned over in her chest. Girl, you have to get a grip, or he’ll know you’re in love with him.

  “Katie Did, this is great. I can’t believe you actually found a car show.”

  “Yes, they have one every October. And the Hawaiiana Festival has crafts and doll-making. I called to make sure they would have something for your mom. The best thing, I have them booked at the Grand Hyatt Kauai Resort and that is where the festival is held.”

  “You’re the best. They are going to be floored. My dad will grumble the whole way, but he’ll love it. The Grand Hyatt is on the south side of the island, correct?”

  “Yes. I thought it would be better to have them where it didn’t rain as much. I thought they could take a drive up through Hanalei Bay for a day trip. They could stop at the Na ‘ina Kai Botanical Garden on the way back, since it is south of Princeville.” Katie had fantasized about visiting the beautiful island herself while making the arrangements.

  “Looks like the only thing left for me to do is tell my parents what time I’ll have my plane ready for them at Detroit Metro Airport.”

  “I’m glad you like it. I’m just jealous I can’t go with them.” Katie cringed at the wistful tone in her voice.

  “Well, we better get on our way…” Katie remembered they didn’t have a car. “Do you want me to call a service or a cab to get us to the meeting?”

  “No, since my car was out of commission I called Brady. He’s waiting for us. I think he’s double-parked so we had better hurry. If it wasn’t raining we could probably walk.”

  “True. But hey, I’m not going to complain about riding in style.” Katie liked Brady, Adam’s driver.

  She hastily left the office, as always. For a while, she had relaxed in front of him, but knowing they were going to be riding in close proximity in the limo gave her the quivers.

  “I’m ready whenever you are,” Katie called from her desk.

  Adam answered with a muffled grunt, and then she saw his line light turn on and knew he was probably calling his parents. She smiled to herself.

  She had great parents and wished she could do something for them. It made it hard to surprise them when they bought everything they wanted or needed. Money was not a problem. She herself was on a strict budget, which her friends teased her about unmercifully. She had done the right thing, all because of that day so long ago when she’d decided to do things on her own, without help from her parents’ money.

  Now was the time to do something about the way she looked, though. As much as she hated to admit, her mother was right. Katie was only hiding behind her glasses. She could tell herself that it was self-preservation against Adam, but it boiled down to hiding. Besides, downplaying her looks was monotonous, but it had worked. She’d only really had one relationship in college.

  Ironically, when he found out what she really looked like, it had been the ruin of their friendship. He thought beauty meant dumb as a fence post, and he couldn’t accept the fact that Katie actually had a brain. Which had only made her more determined to continue her charade.

  Before she knew it, time had flown and they were in the limo on their way to the meeting. Adam occupied himself by going over the file Katie had given him. Most likely he’d remembered his notes he’d written from the previous evening.

  “Are you ready with a proposal?” Katie wanted to know.

  “I’m not sure I’m going to make one.”

  “Really? I knew you wanted my opinion about the CEO, but I thought you would be acquiring the company regardless.”

  “Think. What do I demand when I take over the company?”

  Katie thought for a moment. She knew everything about his business. She was literally his right-hand person. In the years she’d known him, next to her father, he had the best business instinct, only acquiring companies he could save.

  The research she’d done on Twelve Day Investments made it appear to be something Adam would be interested in acquiring. Why was he holding back? Then a thought struck. “You don’t trust the CEO. You’re afraid once you’ve saved the company, he’ll turn around and run it into the ground again. You think he’ll bypass the contract you have written stating that you have to approve of any changes in the boards’ salary.”

  Adam put a finger to his nose. “Right the first time.”

  “How can he legally do that without breaking the contract, though?”

  “He can’t, legally. Once the company is back on its feet and running smoothly, I’m off onto another project. All he would need to do is bide his time for a couple of years. Then he could raise his salary, cash in his account and leave the company before I had a clue. By the time I’d find out, the damage would be done. That’s why I want you to observe and give me your opinion.”

  “So you don’t want me to participate in the meeting, just take notes?”

  “Yes. The man’s a bit of a chauvinist. He would never expect that you’re my valuable assistant and not my go-fer. Besides, I didn’t give you anything to prepare and I don’t want to put you on the spot. I know if someone else directs a question to you, you’ll handle it as you always do—professionally. I know you’ve gone over the file and know enough to answer most questions.”

  “Yes, I have. Who will be at this meeting?”

  “The CEO and the three board members. I’ve also invited a friend of mine. He’s in investments. Although he’s a little older than I am, we’ve got a lot in common and have formed a business friendship. I thought I’d ask him to sit in and give me his opinion from an investment standpoint.” Adam turned to look at Katie, his gaze so intense she started to squirm. “You know, he reminds me a lot of you. If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were related.”

  “What’s his name?” Katie had a sinking feeling s
he already knew.

  “Logan Sinclair. You’ll like him. He’s a good man,” Adam stated, already back to looking at his notes.

  “Yes, I do like him. In fact, I love him.”

  * * * *

  Katie’s words struck Adam like a ton of bricks to the mid-section. “What do you mean you love him?”

  He turned in his seat to stare at her, holding his breath as he waited for her answer. He didn’t know anything about Katie’s love life, he realized. He wondered why he felt so betrayed that she loved someone. God, maybe she was in a relationship. This is ridiculous, she’s my assistant, and I’ve never even considered taking her out, yet here I am jealous of my good friend, Logan. Besides, Logan was married, and he couldn’t imagine Katie dating a married man.

  The pause lengthened until Adam felt his insides begin to turn to lava in the pit of his stomach.

  “He’s my father.”

  “What?” Adam’s breath rushed out in a sigh of relief.

  “Logan Sinclair—he’s my father.”

  “I should have guessed. You do have the same last name. For a moment, I thought maybe he was your ahh...” He cleared his throat, abandoning what he was about to say. “I’ve met his wife and she’s a beauty.” Adam considered her a minute, and couldn’t make out any resemblance. “You don’t take after either one of them.”

  * * * *

  Katie wondered if Adam realized he’d made it sound as if Logan wouldn’t have considered being married to a plain Jane like her. “Actually I take after my mother, if you look at our baby pictures.”

  Katie knew her parents made a handsome couple. Her father wickedly handsome and as Adam had said her mother was a beauty. His words hurt. Though she wasn’t conceited, she knew she could rival her mother if she’d wanted. A person couldn’t have things both ways. If she continued to dress the part of the frumpy assistant, then it wasn’t Adam’s fault if that’s all he saw.